

Night School Studio

Night School Studio, LLC is an American video game developer and publisher. It was founded on June 6, 2014 by Sean Krankel and Adam Hines.


Oxenfree is a graphic adventure game developed and published by Night School Studio. It was released for OS X, Windows, and Xbox One in January 2016.

Netflix 收購《Oxenfree》開發商Night School Studio 透露 ...

Netflix 團隊在保護他們的工作室文化以及創意願景展現了極大的呵護,而Night School Studio 將繼續製作《Oxenfree II》,持續打造嶄新的遊戲世界。

Night School Studio

OXENFREE II. On Sale Now ; OXENFREE. A Supernatural Teen Thriller ; AFTERPARTY · Escape Hell With Your Best Bud ; NEXT STOP NOWHERE. Roadtrip Through Space ; MR. Oxenfree · OXENFREE II: Lost Signals · Games · Work With Us


OXENFREE is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. · An intelligent conversation system that changes the story ...

Oxenfree on Steam

評分 4.5 (9,225) Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. You are Alex, and you've just brought your new stepbrother ...

Netflix has laid off staff at Oxenfree developer Night School Studio

Oxenfree developer Night School Studio has laid off an undisclosed number of employees. Game Developer understands multiple workers have been ...

Night School Studio (@nightschoolstudio)

OXENFREE II: Lost Signals OUT NOW! We make games full of wonder, danger, and humor, including OXENFREE, Afterparty and Next Stop Nowhere.

Netflix買下首個遊戲工作室Night School Studio

Night School Studio成立於2014年,在2016年推出的首款遊戲為《Oxenfree》,這是一款冒險遊戲,一開始僅支援Windows、OS X及Xbox One平台,繼之陸續釋出 ...

Night School Studio (@nightschoolers) X

We make games full of wonder, danger, and humor: OXENFREE I & II, Afterparty, and Next Stop Nowhere. Now Hiring: https://t.co/USC2oym7l7.